Minecraft still pulls in 112 million players per month

Minecraft still pulls in 112 million players per month

Minecraft might be more than a decade old and most of its original players grown up and working jobs to pay for their precious free time, but that hasn't stopped the blocky game growing from strength to strength. At the last count, Minecraft had more than 112 million players per month, somehow making it seems as if Microsoft may have made its money back on its original investment. A staggering achievement considering it sank billions into the property and Mojang, the developer behind the game.

These stats were revealed during a recent chat with head of Minecraft development, Helen Chiang, who suggested that the reason for Minecraft's enduring popularity was that it was the kind of game people could come back to when they were finished playing something else. There would always be more to explore, more to do, more to build in Minecraft. It could serve as your main game, or something to relax to when you'e done gunning down and stabbing to death the universe's various digital enemies.

Microsoft also continues to update the game. It might have halted development on the Super Duper Graphics Pack, but it has continued to release additions like bees to the game, and there's a ray tracing graphics option coming in the near future which makes it look like an entirely new game.

Minecraft is available to play on almost any platform today, from PC, to consoles, to smart devices, whatever you want to build on you can and the game is bigger and better than ever.

I gave up building my mammoth castle project (at the time) in 2010 or so. Maybe I should see if I can find the save somewhere.