- Playstation 2
Rap on Replay
On a half pipe replay move the joystick around.
Submitted by The very best 1080 player
Crystal Boarder
On Expert win Race Mode and finish better than all other EAD scores on Time Attack and Trick Attack Modes. Then select Akari Hayami hold CLeft and press A at his statistics screen.
Submitted by The very best 1080 player
Gold Boarder
Enable Transparent Character and complete Match race on Expert with that character. Then select Kensuke Kimachi hold CUp and press A at his statistics screen.
Submitted by The very best 1080 player
Panda Boarder
On Expert win Match Race and finish better that all other EAD scores on Time Trick Attach and Contest Modes. Then select Rob Haywood hold CRight and press A at his statistics screen.
Submitted by The very best 1080 player
Dragon Cave
On Hard complete all courses in Match Race.
Submitted by The very best 1080 player
Deadly Fall Course
On Expert complete all courses in Match Race.
Submitted by The very best 1080 player
Penguin Snowboard
Complete all 24 training mode tricks. Then select the tahoe 151 or tahoe 155 and hold CDown and press A A.
Submitted by The very best 1080 player
Unlock Tricks Easily
In Training mode ramp off a side of the half pipe with an easy trick in the left hand corner. Do the trick and press CRight CRight quickly in mid air. The trick list will appear. Select a trick that hasn't been unlocked yet. When you land that trick should be unlocked.
Submitted by The very best 1080 player
180 Front Flip Without Panda Boarder
Select Dragon Cave course and jump off the very top of the mountain where the signs with the hands are then push the joystick slowly.
Submitted by The very best 1080 player