Airline Tycoon - Various Cheats

Airline Tycoon - Various Cheats

Various Cheats

During gameplay enter any of the following "Codes":

Code Effect
ATMISSALL All Missions Selectable
EXPANDER Airport Expands
MENTAT All Helpers Active
SHOWALL All Flights Visible
THINKPAD Get a Notebook
WINNING Win Mission
FAMOUS Better Reputation
RUNNINGMAN People Walk Faster
CROWD More People Fly with Airline
PANIC All People Leave Airport

1 billion dollars

If u type Megarichman you will get 1 billion dollars
Submitted by Kimberley


In the second level, buy the violin case. Then go to the airibair place and click on the violin logo at the bottom. He will thank you and ask you to press the fire hydrent beside the building. Inside is a secret gun shop.

Have a ANTIVIRUS disk

First you go to the "Airtravel". pick the walking spider before the snake eat it. And then, go to Back of the petrolair. give him the spider. after you give it, you pick a dart from the deer's head. Go to the "advertising Agency". give him the dart. and you can have his antivirus disk on the table next to him.



In the second level, buy the violin case in Dutyfree shopD.Then go to the PetrolairA and give him the violin.He will thank you and ask you to press the fire hydrent beside the building.Inside is a secret gun shop.

Have an antivirus disk

First you go to the TravelagentT.Pick the walking spider before the snake eat it.And then, go to the Petrolair Backroom. Give him the spider.after you give it, you pick a dart from the deer's head.Go to the Advertising AgencyI. give him the dart.and you can have his antivirus disk on the table next to him.

Give Rick a luck

This was what I found out in da game.To give Rick some luck, 1st pick up a bra from the Plane BrokerE.It will drop out from a compartment above.Go to the Dutyfree shopD, give it to the babe,she will says thank and ucan have the horseshoe hangover at the left side of the shop.Then, give it to the man in Rick's CafeC, he will thank u and say he had more luck.

Have more money

Instead of typing 'donaldtrump' u can pick up money from the BankB. It is from Share Manager'swaste paper basket located under his desk.

Unlimited sabotage to ur competitors

Here it come the sneaky trick to sabotage ur competitors, just get a spider from the TravelagentT.As long as u keep it, u can sabotage ur competitors by going to the Petrolair Backroom.But rememberonly one sabotage per day.Too many sabotage will leads u to pay a fine.

Prevent from electric shock

Use the glove to get a can of drink from the vending machine outside of the CargoH.It prevent u from electric shock.

Get glue

Get some paper clips from the Route AdministrationR just outside the Airport ManagerU.U can get the glue from CargoH by giving some paperclip.U can use the glue to stop ur competitors moving by gluing them on the floor.simply palce it in front of ur nearest rival.

Stink bomb

U can get a stink bomb from the KioskK. 1st take the gloves from the PetrolairA then go to the vending machine outside of the CargoH.Get a energy drink and give it to the man in the kiosk. U can had the stink bomb.Stink bomb is a object which is a small box beside the comic.Simply use it to scare away ur competitors passengers.

Something that I know but not details

1. Pick up a postcard from Airport ManagerU then go to ur Personal OfficeP and give it to MissSelig and she will let u have some nausea pills.To whom this pills is going to give I had no idea.
2. Buy a liqour from the Dutyfree shopD.Then go to the WorkshopW and give the liqour to him.Inreturn u can have a small bottle of oil from him which is just on the oildrums.You are suppost to use that on the globe behind your filofax.

How To Use runningman Without Letting Your Competitiors Run Fast

First, you go to Petrolair A and then you go to the drinks machine. Click on it and you'll get the "Drowning Cow Energy Drink". Drink it and you'll walk really fast without your competitors walk fast, and the best thing is, it's faster than runningman a cheat which helps you run really fast.


If you buy some alcohol from the duty free shop, take it to the guy in the workshop and give it to him. He will now let you have some oil. Go to your office and look at the globe. When you turn it round it squeaks. Use the oil and you can stop that annoying squeakyness. You can also give the guy in the workshop the alcohol to make him talk to you again if you told him to stop smoking and he kicked you out.

If you give the postcard from the airport managers office to the girl in your personal office, you can have some of her pills. If someone sabbotages you and puts bacteria in your coffee you will notice when your character can't go 5 minutes without running to the loo's then use the pills.


if you push bubblegum you can see what people tinking
Submitted by gregoirdo