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Achievement How to unlock
A Strong Race Keep the dwarf race strong by saving every single one of the villagers.
A Strong Start Make it to Wave 12 at the Dwarven Town Hall with a perfect score.
A True Hero Kill every single creature during the final level (no leaks).
All Skill, No Gear Beat the level without building any ultimate towers (accidentally built ultimate towers must be quickly sold before they finish changing color).
All Workers Accounted For Do not allow any of the workers at the mine to be killed by creatures.
Bye, Dalton! Leak just enough creatures to get Galsty's friend "Dalton" killed (must win with exactly 159 lives remaining).
Close Call Kill a creature moments before it poisons the spring.
Dangerously Close! Save the lab with under 10 seconds remaining.
Don't Touch My Tower! Do not allow the defense system to destroy any towers.
Epic Hero of Delënde Protect the Village of Delënde without losing any supplies.
Epic Hero of Nuvaru Win Nuvaru Spring without losing any sages.
Epic Hero of Velashu Protect the Grove of Velashu without allowing any elder trees to be corrupted.
Epic Hero of Veldamir Win Veldamir Castle with all 50 lives intact.
Fire Fighter Over any number of playthroughs, put out all the small fires by placing towers over them for 10 seconds.
Galsty's Hero Do not allow any of Galsty's supplies to be destroyed.
Galsty's Yellow, But I'm Not Kill the medium yellow spiders within 15 seconds of them spawning.
Hero of Delënde Sucessfully protect the Village of Delënde.
Hero of Nuvaru Save the elven lands from corruption by winning Nuvaru Spring.
Hero of Nyanthanda Sucessfully protect Nyanthanda Village.
Hero of Velashu Sucessfully protect the Grove of Velashu.
Hero of Veldamir Save the human lands by winning Veldamir Castle.
Hurray for Inventions! Save all the gnomish inventions.
I Wasn't Even Trying... Save the lab with over 2 minutes remaining.
Inventions need saving too! Keep the gnome inventions from being completely destroyed.
Massive Sale With 3 minutes remaining, cause the computer to run a disassembly sequence by having 72 or more towers.
Master of Towers Have each type of ultimate tower at some point throughout 1 playthrough.
No Child Left Behind Save all children in Nyanthanda Village.
None Shall Pass! Do not allow any creatures to enter the Wizard Tower from the moment you arrive.
Playing With Fire Cause a creature to take fire damage by directing them over one of the small fires on the build platforms.
Preventing Extinction Keep the dwarven villagers from being completely wiped out.
Pyromaniac Over any number of playthroughs, use your towers to direct creatures through each of the small fires.
Resisting Temptation Beat Nyanthanda Village without upgrading the laser tower.
Safety First Put out a small fire by placing a tower over it for 10 seconds.
Saving the Frost Realm Successfully defend the entrance to the frost realm.
Saving the World Beat the final level.
Sir Robin Ran Away... (almost) Defeat the fleeing knights before they reach the castle, without having had any leaks.
Survival at the Wizard Tower Emerge victorious at the Wizard Tower.
Take NO Prisoners! Do not lose a single prisoner to creatures at the Frost Elf Prison.
The Bare Minimum Save the Frost Elf Prison with only 1 prisoner remaining.
Today is a good day to die... Lose a level.
True Frost Survivalist Defend the entrance to the frost realm without losing any archers.
Victory at Galsty's Prevent the total loss of Galsty's supplies.
Victory at the Lab! Keep the lab from being obliterated.
Victory at the Mine Prevent the dwarven workers from being wiped out.
Victory at the Prison Save the Frost Elf Prison with at least 1 prisoner still alive.
Were you saying something, Zanthra...? When Zanthra says "Air" is coming, anger her by building a cannon tower.
Wizard Entrance Clear Clear out the entrance to the Wizard Tower.
Wizard Tower Clear! Kill every single creature at the Wizard Tower (no leaks).
Wizard Towers at the Wizard Tower Win with at least 18 Wizard Towers currently built.
Yellow Spider Assassin Kill all the medium and small yellow spiders within 30 seconds of them spawning.