Alexia Crow and the Cave of Heroes

Alexia Crow and the Cave of Heroes

Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your
achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then search for the
game hub that corresponds to [Alexia Crow]. Select the "View Stats" drop
down option, then choose the option for your username's achievements.

Achievement - How to unlock:
Alchemy - Create the two magic stones.
Chronos is looking - Place the 3 objects on the Chronos room.
Defeat the ciclops - Solve the puzzle that helps Heracles to defeat the ciclops.
Gaia ridle - Solve the 4 puzzles in the Gaia room.
Mistery song - Play the lira a song that Hermes like.
Open the cave - Complete the first two puzzles and open the main gate.
Two keys - Get the two keys of the game.