- PC
Game Cheats:
If you need help type one of the following codes without the quotes during gameplay to activate the corresponding effect in the game.
Type 'st2'
Kill ALL Monsters on the Map:
Type 'stk9'
Kill ALL Monsters inside a Radius of 1000 Pixels from the Character:
Type 'stkk'
Make ALL skills (except Perk) 100 or 200 sequential and Add 50000 Money:
Type 'stgod'
+ 100 Skills of Weapons Reloading:
Type 'cheatw'
+ 10,000 Money:
Type 'stm' or 'cheatm'
+ 50 to the Speed Skill:
Type 'cheats'
Gives 1,000 hp:
Type 'cheath'
Gives 15,000 hp:
Type 'st1'
Gives Ammo:
Type 'stammo'
Adds enough Exp to get New Level:
Type 'stexp' or 'cheatexp'
Complete Level Successfully:
Type 'stwnn'
Download Shop on the Level:
Type 'stshop'
Remove Gamma on the Level:
Type 'remgamma'
Stop Current Track:
Type 'stmusstop'
Turn the X Number of Tracks:
Type 'stmus(x)'
Turn OnOff Current Statistics:
Type 'stat'