- PC
Various Cheats
During gameplay press Esc to bring up the options menu then type 7TH followed by any of the following "Codes" and press Enter. Then click on No Way to return to the game:
Code | Effect |
ANGEL | One Extra Life |
MAKEAWISH | Ten Extra Lives |
ILOVEJOEY | 50 Extra Lives |
GIMMEAMMO | Ten Extra Bullets |
BLASTEM | 100 Extra Bullets |
GOLDENGUN | 500 Extra Bullets |
OMNIJOEY | Invulnerability |
URHOPELESS | Get Special Item |
FATBOYCANTJUMP | Enable Fly Mode |
HALEJOEY | Restore Full Health |
WARP2SINNERS | Warp to Alcatraz |
WARP2SLOTS | Warp to Las Vegas |
WARP2GORGE | Warp to Grand Canyon |
WARP2FACES | Warp to Mt. Rushmore |
WARP2MUDPIT | Warp to Oklahoma |
WARP2GUNFIGHT | Warp to Alamo |
WARP2DOLLS | Warpt to Mardi Gras |
WARP2RESORT | Warp to Miami |
WARP2WHOUSE | Warp to Washington DC |
WARP2THEAPPLE | Warp New York |
WARP2WBOGUS | Warp to Woodstock no goons |
WARP2WLATE | Warp to Woodstock too late |
WARP2WCOOL | Warp to Woodstock success |
ROAD2SLOTS | Road to Las Vegas |
ROAD2GORGE | Road to Grand Canyon |
ROAD2FACES | Road to Mr. Rushmore |
ROAD2MUDPIT | Road to Oklahoma |
ROAD2GUNFIGHT | Road to Alamo |
ROAD2DOLLS | Road to Mardi Gras |
ROAD2RESORT | Road to Miami |
ROAD2WHOUSE | Road to Washington DC |
ROAD2THEAPPLE | Road to New York |
ROAD2THEGIG | Road to Woodstock |
GIMMETIME | Set Location Time to 10 Minutes |
NOSCORE | Set Score to 0 |
NOBULLETS | Set Bullets to 0 |
NOHEALTH | Set Health to 1/4 |
TOGGLEWIGGLE | Toggle Pull Item Wiggle |
MAVERICK | Toggle Shoot Down |
IMAGONER | Set to Last Life 1/4 Health |
March 31, 2002 - 2:56pm