- Playstation 2
Big evertything mode
Name your wrestler tho.
Big feet mode
Name your player tpiperi.
Big hand mode
Name your wrestler okendall.
Big head mode
Name your wrestler rtaylor.
Activate Cheat codes
Go to the main menu then hold L1 and hit X, square, triangle, circle, X, square, triangle, circle.
First person camera
Name your wrestler edma.
Get Ghost mode
Name your player pjefferies.
Get Greyscale mode
Name your wrestler ksimeonov.
Halo mode
Name your wrestler jgintu.
Hardcore Al difficulty
Name your wrestler stomanovski.
Invincible players
Name your wrestler denicholas.
Player 1 is invincible
Name your wrestler jche.
Player 2 invincible
Name your wrestler cbarlow.
Unlimited super moves for player 1
Name your wrestler ddaniels.
Unlimited super moves for player 2
Name your wrestler jmaxwell.
Unlock Clowning Around Video
Complete the list given on the last stage at the TV studio.
Unlock Jamie Madrox
Win the game using Sabu.
Unlock JCW Boys video
Do the list given on the mall stage.
Unlock Tom Dub the Giant Killer
Win the game using any character to get Madman Pondo, then win using Madman Pondo.
Wireframe mode
Name your wrestler ewilliams.
Unlock all Videos
Do all the challenges in Talk Show mode. Videos like Babes of The Backyard.
Get all Characters
You have to go to talk show mode and beat it and you get the first 25 characters and all stages then go to survival mode and get the other 5 characters.
Mega cheat
At main menu hold L1 and press x, square, triangle, circle, x, square, triangle and circle.
Submitted by Kendy