- PC
Defeating an enemy B.o.S. easily: Enemy B.o.S:To at least beat an B.o.S easier, there must be at least an exoskeleton or combat exoskeleton nearby and just go straight into the B.o.S by going straight to him, note: when you get into the exoskeleton, the enemy B.o.S will run into cover where the exoskeleton can't go, though you can find an exsoskeleton at the cargo bay when you will fight an enemy B.o.S., just get into it but it wont have the heavy machinegun and its rocket launcher. You can also use the blade to kill a B.o.S when it is cornered by hiting it at his head for like 3 times or more. The blade though will kill an enemy B.o.S. when you hit the blade into his head when its helmet is destroyed. Be alarm though cause some enemy B.o.S. got special weapons which can poison you that makes your character dizzy. God Mode Use a text editor to edit the "globals.lua" file in the "bet on soldiermodsbosscript" directory. Change the line: SetGodModeGetCharacterID"Player",false, to SetGodModeGetCharacterID"Player",true |
April 22, 2006 - 10:57am