- Xbox One
Game Cheats:
Easy 'Thoughtful' Achievement:
Pick up the bread you see on the floor in Chapter IV when Rae is walking the streets and proceed along the path. Turn right when you have crossed over a bridge and go through the gate that takes you to a stream. Walk along the stream until you come across some ducks which if you interact with will earn you the 'Thoughtful' Achievement.
Easy 'Lonely' Achievement:
When you encounter Lily in Chapter III she will ask you to get a ball for her. To retrieve it you need to follow the fence on the right side of the path that takes you to a park. When you enter the park the first thing you will see will be a roundabout, if you go to the right of the roundabout you will see a swing set which if you interact with will earn you the 'Lonely' Achievement.
Easy 'Bravery' Achievement:
The easiest way to get 'Bravery' Achievement is at the end of Chapter III when you are confronted by a dog when you climb over a fence. The dog will scare you and make you trip over backwards when it forces you back but if you interact with it when you get back up on your feet you will get the Achievement.