- Nintendo DS
Air to Surface Barrage Biomech Sweeper Bionically Challenged Blood Trial Can you dig it? Choke on that Close Up Come Out and Play Cracker Crowd Control Down To Earth Drive-by End Game Explosive Delivery Fair Fight! Feel the Beat, Y'all! Headshot Bonanza I got Hard I went Commando Incoming! Jabber Man Kaboom Kick In The Back Leap Up! Let the Dog Out Man Locked Up Nemesis Out of the Bush Poly Cruncher Pull! Receiving End Rocket Man Shellshock Shoot 'Em Up! Slayer Spence is in the Air Stroke of Luck Swinger The Collector The Pinball Effect The Pitcher The River Torn Into Pieces Train Wreck Two Hit Wonder Whip 'Em Good Whoo-paah! Worthy Foe |