Blood Drive

Blood Drive


I'm the Man on the Mountain, come on up (Bronze)
Objective: All Tournament Mode cup events completed

W - is for Winner (Bronze)
Objective: Placed 1st in all the Events completed within a single Zone.

Home is where the Heart is (Bronze)
Objective: Game completed with Kelly

Till Death do us Part (Bronze)
Objective: Game completed with Reggie

Shred some Faces (Bronze)
Objective: Game completed with Bedlam

Who's the Cat that won't cop out (Bronze)
Objective: Game completed with Superstar

Phantom of the Opera (Bronze)
Objective: Game completed with Nazar

Ode to Mother Russia (Bronze)
Objective: Game completed with Natalya

Into the Sunset (Bronze)
Objective: Game completed with Jackson

Go out for a Pass (Bronze)
Objective: Game completed with Brock

Glove Slapped (Bronze)
Objective: All Challenge Mode Events completed

Zombie Community Culling (Bronze)
Objective: Rack up a 50+ Zombie Killing Spree

Flesh Hacky Sack (Bronze)
Objective: Hit a Shambler into the air, then kill it before it lands

Death by Goldberg Machine (Bronze)
Objective: Crush upwards of 5 Zombies by knocking a solid prop into them

Undeath From Above (Bronze)
Objective: Crush 10 Zombies by way of air landing over the course of any event

Driving Miss Zombie (Bronze)
Objective: Carry a roof perched Leaper over 1 jump, activating Jump-Cam

Crash & Burn (Bronze)
Objective: Multiplayer: Kill another human player while both your vehicles are airborne

Survivalist (Bronze)
Objective: Multiplayer: Survive an entire event without dying once.

Wastelander (Bronze)
Objective: Multiplayer: Complete in 100 online events.

Variety is the Spice of Life (Bronze)
Objective: Wreck all vehicles in an event at least once each

Bully (Bronze)
Objective: Wreck the designated Rival 5 times in one event

Donut King (Bronze)
Objective: Completed uninterrupted donuts for 10 seconds

He's a Wreckin' Machine! (Bronze)
Objective: Wreck 5 vehicles during one Juggernaut or Damage Fever Rage

The Blind leading the Blinded (Bronze)
Objective: Wreck 5 vehicles during one Flashbling or Cloak Rage

Keep Back: Highly Volatile (Bronze)
Objective: Wreck 3 vehicles with one Shockwave or Gross Polluter Rage

From the Heavens (Bronze)
Objective: Wreck 3 vehicles with one Surgical Strike or Gravity Well Rage

And we'll keep on fighting till the end (Silver)
Objective: Blood Drive Championship Cup Completed

C - is for Champion (Silver)
Objective: Place 1st in all events in the Blood Drive tournament

Hardcore Strip teased (Silver)
Objective: Hardcore Cup completed with Kelly

Hardcore Cup Flatlined (Silver)
Objective: Hardcore Cup completed with Reggie

Hardcore Cup Rolled (Silver)
Objective: Hardcore Cup completed with Bedlam

Hardcore Cup Body slammed (Silver)
Objective: Hardcore Cup completed with Superstar

Hardcore Cup Assassinated (Silver)
Objective: Hardcore Cup completed with Nazar

Hardcore Cup Conquered (Silver)
Objective: Hardcore Cup completed with Natalya

Hardcore Cup Lynched (Silver)
Objective: Hardcore Cup completed with Jackson

Hardcore Cup Sacked (Silver)
Objective: Hardcore Cup completed with Brock

Zombie Populace Culling (Silver)
Objective: Rack up a 100+ Zombie Killing Spree

God Save the King (Silver)
Objective: Multiplayer: Player collected and kept King of the Hill status for the entire Event duration, without divestment

Untouchable (Silver)
Objective: Multiplayer: Player survived the entire Hot Potato Event duration without receiving the Jackpot Bomb once

Secret Trophies

Day I was born, the nurses all gathered round (Gold)
Objective: Hardcore Cup Completed

O - is for Overachiever (Gold)
Objective: Placed 1st in all events in all cups

Import some Zombie talent, Quick! (Gold)
Objective: Kill 20,000 Zombies over the course of the game (figure recorded in Stats menu)

Obsess Much? (Platinum)
Objective: All other Trophies obtained