- Playstation 3
Bronze: Paid in Fyrestone Made in Fyrestone Paid in New Haven Made in New Haven My Brother is an Italian Plumber Speedy McSpeederton You call this archaeology? Ding! Newbie Ding! Novice Ding! Expert Ding! Hardcore Ding! Sleepless Discovered Skag Gully Discovered Sledge�s Safe House Discovered Headstone Mine Discovered Trash Coast Discovered The Scrapyard Discovered Krom�s Canyon Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave Discovered Eridian Promontory Ding! Champion Get A Little Blood on the Tires Rootinest, Tootinest, Shootinest Fence Can�t We Get BEYOND Thunderdome? Duel-icious Group LF Healer There�s No "I" In "Team" Weapon Aficionado Facemelter 1.21 Gigawatts Pyro Master Exploder There are some who call me...Tim Fully Loaded Truly Outrageous Careful, He Bites Reckless Abandon Down in Front! Silver: Pandora-dog Millionaire And They�ll Tell Two Friends Duelinator Platinum: Borderland Defender Secret Trophies: 12 Days in Pandora (Bronze) You're on a Boat! (Bronze) Wanted: Sledge (Silver) Wanted: Krom (Silver) Wanted: Flynt (Silver) Destroyed the Hive (Silver) Night of the Living Ned (Silver) Destroyed the Destroyer (Gold) United We Stand (Gold) Ned's Undead, Baby, Ned's Undead (Gold) |