- PC
Be aware that there are MANY more console commands than we are listing. NOTE: ALL the Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times. Arg Argument: F = Floating Point value Either a fractional number or A whole number, STRING = A set of Characters of course letters and/or numbers 0 / 1 = A Toggle 0 will Disable, 1 will Enable
Cheat Codes case insensitive: modctbmul F Set the Detail of the world modGiveMission In Career Mode, this will give you the Mission modAutoEquip Fills your backpack with lots of nice items FOR modfogColor Set the Colour of the Fog graphics. modspawnAnimal STRING Bring a new Animal into the World modplayvoice Some Narrator tells you something about the modendmission Completes your current Mission modgotoanimal Teleports you to the Location of an Animal modneedMoney Increases your Credit by the specified modanimalCam 0 / 1 The Camera will follow a random Animal. modbotCam [Unknown Effect] modsetTiredness F Set how Tired you are Sleep Stat modsetHunger F Set how Hungry you are Food Stat modsetThirst F Set how Thirsty you are Drink Stat modsetSoundStealth F [Unknown Effect] modsetSmellStealth F [Unknown Effect] modsetVisualStealth F [Unknown Effect] modsetTime Set the Time of day in the game modmoveToEnt STRING Teleports you the Entity "STRING" modmoveToPos Teleport to the specified "X Y Z" map location modmoveToSpawn STRING [Unknown Effect] modmoveToCar If you have a Vehicle in the world, this will modteleportHere Teleports you to a Location. modplayerModel STRING [Unknown Effect] modkillAnimal [Unknown Effect]
modBSPAndPos 0 / 1 Display the current Map File and your current modsspd F [Unknown Effect] modtspd F [Unknown Effect] modhspd F [Unknown Effect] moddamagepart 0 - 5 5 = You become fully healed modstealthMode [Unknown Effect] modshowatr [Unknown Effect] modshowatrval 0 / 1 Displays information about your Player's
modTagCheck 0 / 1 [Unknown Effect] modEndTournament 0 / 1 Win the currently loaded Tournament modBulletGuide 0 / 1 Grants you the magical ability to control your modfogEnd [Unknown Effect] modfogStart Set the fogginess in the world modanimalFreeze 0 / 1 Prevent all animals from moving they will be modjumpOn [Unknown Effect] modfreeCam [Unknown Effect] modforce3rd 0 / 1 Force 3rd Person view it is weird because you cheatTrophyHorns [Unknown Effect] cheatAvailableItems Unlock all Items at the Store cheatSkillDone [Unknown Effect] cheatFinishCareerFlag Unlocks all Sub-Regions of "Quick Hunt" Mode. modBuyItem STRING Get the item named "STRING" for FREE will be spmap STRING Load the SinglePlayer Map File named "STRING" aiDisableAct 0 / 1 Prevents all Animals from taking actions. aiDisableThink 0 / 1 Disable Artificial Intelligence of the Animals. AppVersion Display the Game Name and Version Number Exit Terminate the entire game help Display most of the Console Commands ? Same as the "help" command
INSTALLATION 2. Open the game Console: 3. Enter your codes. NOTES: You may type PART of a command such as the first few letters and then hit For most commands with an Argument Requirement, you can run the command Most of these Cheat Codes should be used when you have a Map loaded. 4. Hit ESCAPE to leave the console. |