Call for Heroes: Pompolic Wars

Call for Heroes: Pompolic Wars
tart game as usual - in game, bring up the console with TILDE
and enter the following codes:

god - God mode toggle on/off
notarget - Enemies can't see you toggle on/off
killall - Kills all enemies on screen
killovums - Kills all ovums on screen
gametasksdone - Complete Mission
give - where can be an item from the list below

The following cheats work for BOTH characters in conjuction with the
command: give e.g.: give time

mana - Gives max green & blue mana
stamina - Gives max stamina
weaponall - Gives all weapons without ammo
coins - Gives up to 50 coins needed for timed godmode
monstersouls - Gives up to 100 monster souls
xp - Gives exerience points so player can upgrade
time - Adds 5 minutes to the timer
itemhealthpotion - Gives 1 health potion
itemsuperhealing - Gives 1 super healing
itemfullregen - Gives 1 full regeneration
itemrespawn - Gives 1 respawn
specabilitiesall - Gives all special abilities

The following cheats work ONLY for the WARRIOR character, again
in conjuction with the command: give e.g.: give time

armor - Gives Armor
shield - Gives Shield
weaponhandaxe - Gives Handaxe
weapontrimace - Gives Trimace
weaponsoa - Gives Skull of Annihilation
weaponwarsword - Gives Warsword
weaponbattleaxe - Gives Battleaxe
weaponwarhammer - Gives Warhammer
ammosoa - Gives Ammo for Skull of Annihilation
itemiconofmight - Gives Icon of Might
itemiconofdefense - Gives Icon of Defense
itemiconofcold - Gives Icon of Cold

The following cheats work ONLY for the AMAZON character, again
in conjuction with the command: give e.g.: give time

weaponshortsword - Gives Shortsword
weaponbow - Gives Bow
weaponspear - Gives Spear
weaponcrossbow - Gives Crossbow
weaponcrossbow2 - Gives Skullbolt Cast Crossbow
weaponscimitar - Gives Scimitar
weaponfirebow - Gives Fire Bow
weaponswarmbitebow - Gives Swarmbite Bow
ammoarrows - Gives Arrows
ammobolts - Gives Bolts
ammoskullbolts - Gives Skullbolts
ammofirearrows - Gives Firearrows
ammoswarmbitearrows - Gives Swarmbitearrows
itemiconofregeneration - Gives Icon of Regeneration
itemiconoffire - Gives Icon of Fire
itemiconofinvisibility - Gives Icon of Invisibility

And here are some DEVELOPER commands for you to play around with.

spawn - ???
dumpstate - ???
dumpenabledpawns - ???
dumpallsv - ???
dumpallcl - ???
printstats - ???

And finally some additional console commands most of them are
accessable via hotkey aswell.

defend - ???
-defend - ???
godmode - ???
angerofwarriors - ???
touchofacidbolts - ???
upgrade - ???
viewplayerstats - ???
suicide - ???
respawn - ???
closeinfomsg - ???
pausegame - ???