- PC
Cheat codes
Press F11 for the console, type the cheat, press enter to return to thegame.
The list:
GHOST Invisibility
DISPLAY Shows all characters
BINGO Ammunition
WINNER Win level
IMMUNITY PC's invulnerable.
BLOOD See blood.
WEAPON Get a weapon weapon ID.
MATRIX Get unlimited slow motion time.
CHROMA Change the color of one PC on the fly.
OPTIMIZE Try to optimize the custom memory manager.
CESTLAZONE Display script zones.
I AM THE WINNER Win the campaign
PCSIGHT Enable PC view cone
LIGHT Display light zones
REPORT Complete campaign state report
SEEKANDDESTROY Display all seek points
SARKOZY Securization of all memory allocation
LUKAS Knock out a PC.
WIN Win this mission
WAKEUP When the currently selected NPC is sleeping, he wakes up.
UBIQUITY Unblip all actors.< BR>STATUS PC Display the current status of all PC
STATUS SHADOW Get Information about the sprite cache.
STATUS HARDWARE Get information about the hardware used.
STATUS FRAMECACHE Get information about the current sprite caching system.
SPHERE Display the shadow polygon sphere.
SHADOW Display the free shadow polygon.
SAN PETRUS Make all selected PC go to paradise.
ROTER ALARM Alert all NPCs in the level
RAILROAD Display railroads.
PROJECTION Show all 3D-projection areas.
PAMELA ANDERSON Make the soldiers stupid in close combat.
NUKE Kill all opponent in the level.
NOISE Display ranges of walk noise of the PCs.
MOTION Show all motion obstacles & doors.
MORPHEUS Knock out selected NPC
MISTER SANDMAN The PCs make a little nap.
LOOSE Loose this mission
LEVEL TEXT Display all texts for the current level
LAST MAN STANDING Beam all but the selected NPC to Honolulu
HONOLULU Beam the selected NPC to Honolulu
HIGHLANDER2 All adversaries become invulnerable.
HIGHLANDER All PCs become invulnerable.
HELP Display this help.
HADES Kill selected NPC
GOLDENEYE Make all PCs invisible for other characters.
FULLHOUSE Give all PCs ammunition for all actions.
FREEZE Freeze / unfrost all NPCs in the level.
FORGET Check the current state of the memory
FPS Display the FPS rate
EZB Gives money
EULER Show the graph of the pathfinder.
ELEVATION Display bonds yellow, red when crossed, character elevation blue and character movement white.
EINSTEIN Show all 3D-obstacles
DIES IRAE Divine intervention against enemies.
COMPANIES Display the company numbers
CALL Call a PC's method
BUD SPENCER Stun all oponents.
BIG BROTHER Display some actor infos.
BABYLON Display all NPC remarks on screen.
AWARE Display all NPCs
ALARM Reinforcement arriving...
AI Display AI information.
Above cheats submitted by Quicksand