Comix Zone - Cheat mode

Comix Zone - Cheat mode
Cheat mode:
Type CAMERON case-sensitive during game play. Minimize the screen into a window to access a "Cheats" option with a level select feature..

Sketch fart:
Defeat all enemies in a room, then repeatedly tap [Down]. Alternately, hold [Down] and attack an enemy.

Sketch dance:
Hold [Left] and [Right] to make sketch dance.

Go to the juke box under the options menu. Press C after selecting each of the following tracks, in order: 3, 12, 17, 2, 2, 10, 2, 7, 7, 11. Start a game and your power bar will never decrease.

Level select:
Go to the juke box under the options menu. Press C after selecting each of the following tracks, in order: 14, 15, 18, 5, 13, 1, 3, 18, 15, 6. Highlight a number from 1 to 6 and press C to advance to select a new level when a new game is started.

Kung fu move list:
Change your button control list by selecting "Button Configuration" in the options menu. Press [Left] until you get to A = jump, B = to select an item in the inventory and C = attack. The following moves may now be done with this configuration.

Jumping air kick: Press A C.
Turn around kick: Press [Left], [Right] C.
Air somersault: Press [Up], [Right] A.
High roundhouse: Press [Up], [Right] C.
Knee kick: Press [Down], Right] C.
Trip: Press [Down] C.
Punch: Press C.
Upper cut: Press [Up] C.
Distance air kick: Press [Up], [Right] A C.

Power Slam Health Drink Road Kill:
While at any menu click anywhere on the toolbar not on another menu and the game should pause. Then press the Action Key F3 F3