Critical Mass - Steam achievements

Critical Mass - Steam achievements Critical Mass - Steam achievements Critical Mass - Steam achievements

Steam achievements:
Ambidextrous - Complete classic mode on normal difficulty using both normal and reversed controls.
Beta Tester - Complete classic mode on casual, normal and expert.
Button Masher - Reach rank 1 in rush mode.
Chain Reaction - Create a 13x combo in any game mode.
Classically Trained - Reach rank 1 in classic mode on normal difficulty or higher.
Critical Expert - Complete classic mode on expert difficulty.
Critical Mass - Unlock all achievements.
Critical Master - Complete classic mode on normal difficulty in under 20 minutes.
Critical Pro - Complete classic mode on normal difficulty.
Critically Insane - Complete classic mode on expert difficulty in under 20 minutes.
Elitist - Complete classic mode on normal difficulty or higher without using timewarp and fusion pulse.
Enlightenment - Reach rank 1 in meditation mode.
Epic - Get an epic performance rating in any game mode.
Hold Still - Complete classic mode on normal difficulty or higher without using rotation.
Into The Void - Finish meditation mode with a score of zero.
Killstreak - 5 combos within 10 seconds in rush mode.
Last Man Standing - Reach rank 1 in survival mode.
Learned To Play - Complete classic mode on casual difficulty.
Legendary - Reach rank 1 in the overall leaderboard.
Lightheaded - Spin the mass 300 times in 10 seconds.
Manic - Average action's per minute 80+ in rush mode.
Mass Addict - Play for 100 hours.
Personal Growth - Beat your personal best score in classic mode.
Quick Save - Use a fusion pulse above 90% critical mass on normal difficulty or higher.
Survivalist - Survive for 5 minutes in survival mode.
You've Got Red On You - Survive at 80% critical mass for 10 seconds in survival mode.
Zen Master - Build a 16x combo in meditation mode.