- PC
Cheat mode: Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "diffeasy.cfg", "diffnormal.cfg", or "diffhard.cfg" file in the "crysisgameconfig" directory to change game play under the Easy, Normal, or Hard difficulty settings. Insert the following lines to get God mode and unlimited ammunition. This may also be done in the demo version of the game. God Mode - ggodMode = 1 You can also modify your suit stats. For example: -- Player Health/Energy/Suit // No energy cost // Run faster // More armor points // Instant health regen // Instant health regen while moving // Set health regen time to 0 // Set regen time while walking to 0 // No waiting until regen starts // Instant energy //Instant energy while moving // Set energy regen time to 0 // Do not wait until energy regen starts // Extra health // Set difficulty, 1 is easy, 4 is most difficult After making all of your edits, save the file, load up a new game and see what you've edited Developer Mode Cheats: Example: "C:Program FilesCrysisbin32Crysis.exe" -DEVMODE Code - Result: In addition to these cheats keys, you can now use the console by pressing tilde and typing any of the following commands: Code - Result: Unlimited Nightvision: hudnightVisionConsumption = 0 |