Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 - Ingame Reset

Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 - Ingame Reset
In-game Reset:
Hold Select Start to reset the game.

Give Up:
To give up on the song you are playing, hold Start.

Last mission of Dance Master mode:
In order to play the Mission 192 of Dance Master mode, you must clear Areas A, B, C, D, and E of Dance Master mode through playing the three special missions of each area. After you have done this, the last mission will be unlocked for you to play. It is numbered Mission 00 and the song and settings are as follows: Butterfly Upswing Mix on Reverse and the arrow graphics are changed to look like butterflies. If you pass this mission, you will have completed Dance Master Mode. You will get to see the end credits and about 500,000 points for use in the shop.

Unlocking New Areas In Dance Master Mode:
Play the three special missions in any area to unlock the next one. For instance, do the three area A missions to unlock area B.

Unlocking Songs At The Ship:
To unlock songs for purchase at the shop, play a song in Dance Master mode. It will be available for purchase.

Unlock character costumes in the shop:
Simply use that character in dance master mode, then you can buy the costume in the shop for a pricey 100,000 points.