- PC
Easy 'That'll Do, Pig' Achievement:
You can easily get this Achievement which requires you to lose a hero to Wilbur (small pig) if you first kill the Swine Boss that is with Wilbur and then let Wilbur kill one of your characters.
Easy 'We Return To The Worms Of The Earth' Achievement:
This Achievement can be easily gained when you allow a hero to be killed by a Maggot. The location of the Maggot you find does not matter.
Easy 'The Stresses Were Unbearable...' Achievement:
You can earn this Achievement easily by having a hero gain 200 points of stress so it causes them to have a heart attack and kill them instantly.
Easy 'Lone Survivor' Achievement:
When you kill any boss with only one hero remaining in your party you will earn this Achievement.
Easy 'On The Old Road, We Found Redemption' Achievement:
You can earn this Achievement easily by starting the final quests with Dismas and Reynauld from the tutorial. Just make sure they are both alive at the end.
Easy 'Caretaker' Achievement:
This Achievement is earned when you have completed ALL ot the Caretaker Goals. Remember though that Caretaker Goals that are awarded for completing Darkest Dungeon location missions will not qualify, they must be the Boss and Max Resolve goals. You can check your progress by entering the journal, or by checking the screen after you come back from a mission.
Unlock New Game+
When you have completed ALL of the Darkest Dungeon quests and defeated the final boss New Game+ which features locked 'strict' options and tougher monsters will become unlocked. To successfully complete New Game+ it is required that you complete the Darkest Dungeon quests in under 91 weeks and have less than 13 hero deaths.
Unlock Backer Heroes:
When you select the Stagecoach in the Hamlet and press 'Enter' you will be able to type the name of the desired hero and summon them free of charge.