- Playstation 3
2K Darkling: To unlock a secret Darkling go to any pay phone in the subway and dial 555-4263 555-GAME. You will hear a message to confirm correct code entry. Golfer Darkling: Secret phone numbers: Collectible phone numbers: Answering machine phone numbers: Achievements: Hoodlum 5 points: Be on the winning side in a multi-player match in any of the multi-player modes. Patriot 5 points: Capture a flag in a CTF match. Murderer 5 points: Claim 20 Killing Streaks in multi-player. Hard to Kill 5 points: Take enough damage without dying within a multi-player match. Flag Runner 5 points: Capture 20 flags in a CTF match. Flag Owner 10 points: Capture 50 flags in a CTF match. Butcher 25 points: Claim 20 Killing Streaks in multi-player. Mook 5 points: Be on the winning side in 5 multi-player matches. Henchman 15 points: Be on the winning side in 20 multi-player matches. Contract Killer 25 points: Be on the winning side in 50 multi-player matches. Made Man 35 points: Be on the winning side in 100 multi-player matches. The Don 45 points: Be on the winning side in 250 multi-player matches. Anti Hero 25 points: Complete game on normal setting. Legendary Dark 35 points: Complete game on hard setting. Cannibal 25 points: Devour 300 enemies. Fashionable 25 points: Collect all the Darkling outfits. Bringing People Together 5 points: Trap 5 enemies within a Black Hole. Rogue Killer 15 points: Kill 15 enemies using Creeping Dark. Void Bringer 15 points: Kill 20 enemies using Black Hole. Gunner 15 points: Kill 30 enemies using Darkness Guns. Ripper 15 points: Kill 30 enemies using Demon Arm. Summoner 5 points: Summon 5 Darklings. Legendary Summoner 25 points: Summon 50 Darklings. Darkness Master 100 points: Only for those who are completely in tune with the Darkness. Roadkill 10 points: Kill the workers in the tunnel. Ghandi 10 points: Find a peaceful solution. At least momentarily. Romantic 10 points: Get a kiss from Jenny during the movie. Heart of Gold 50 points: Help those in need. Gunslinger 25 points: Kill 7 enemies within 15 seconds. Anti Air 15 points: Bring down the Chopper. Take a Look at the Sky 50 points: Take down 6 airplanes. Knuckle, Meet Face 5 points: Perform a melee kill for the first time. Up Close and Personal 5 points: Perform an execution move for the first time. Executioner 10 points: Kill 25 enemies using execution moves. Picking Up Stuff 5 points: Unlock a collectable for the first time. Gatherer 5 points: Unlock 25 collectables. The Collector 10 points: Unlock 50 collectables. The Obsessive Collector 15 points: Unlock 75 collectable. Completionist 20 points: Unlock 100 collectables. Bullet Dodger 20 points: Finish a multi-player match with less than 5 deaths minimum of 4 players. Legendary Executioner 20 points: Kill 50 enemies using execution moves. Additionally there are nine secret achievements, all of which are currently unknown. Easy "Romantic" achievement: |