- iOS
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding medal.
... The Harder They Fall:
Defeat 1,250 colossus invaders.
3 Catapults, 1 Eraser:
Erase 3 Catapults with one spell.
Abra Cadabera:
Train 250 mages.
Hold 5 invaders in the air simultaneously.
Archers Are The Answer:
Fully upgrade your Archery Range.
Awl Encompassing:
Train 250 craftsmen.
Big Blingin':
Earn 1,000,000 points.
Blocking Out The Sun:
Train 1,000 archers.
Blue Bomber, Away:
Send out 25 demolition experts.
Build a Better Tomorrow:
Train 1,000 craftsmen.
Building It Bigger:
Reach 2,000 maximum castle health.
Busting Caps:
Defeat 25 exploding invaders.
Can We Fix It?:
Train 50 craftsmen.
Castle Defender:
Complete Round 50 on Normal Mode.
Castle Maniac:
Play for 300 minutes total.
Defeat 500 catapult invaders.
Defeat 10 catapult invaders.
Defeat 100 catapult invaders.
Earn 100,000 points.
Close Call:
End a round with less than 10% castle health.
Colossal Fortification:
Reach 10,000 maximum castle health.
Craftsmen For The Win:
Fully upgrade your Stone Mason's shop.
Death From Above:
Train 250 archers.
Demolitionists Have The Power:
Fully upgrade your Demolition Lab.
Doing It Solo:
Play up to Round 15 without training any units.
Get In Mah Bucket:
Convert 100 units.
Gettin' the Hang of it:
Play for 10 minutes total.
going to Need a Lot of Glue:
Defeat 1,250 exploding invaders.
Hardcore Defender:
Complete Round 50 on Heroic Mode.
Hocus Pocus:
Train 50 mages.
I Love My Paint Can:
Fully upgrade the Pit of Conversion.
I Want to Live!:
Allow a blue demolition expert to walk off the screen.
I Want to Paint It Blue:
Convert 500 units.
Complete Round 20 or higher without taking damage.
Is That All You've Got?:
Toss and catch and invader 5 times.
It's Raining Arrows:
Train 50 archers.
Defeat 250 exploding invaders.
Klaatu Barada Nikto:
Train 1,000 mages.
Let the Bodies Hit the Floor:
Defeat 100 plain invaders.
Mages Are Too Roxxor:
Fully upgrade your Magical Arts Tower.
Magical Master:
Use at least 20 spells in one round.
Master of Disaster:
Destroy 5 Colossus Invaders in one explosion.
Monstrous Castle:
Reach 100,000 maximum castle health.
Earn 10,000 points.
Paying Your Dues:
View the entire game credits.
Puppet Master:
Convert 2,000 units.
Rammer Time - Can't Ram This:
Defeat 50 rammer invaders.
Seriously They're No Giving Up:
Defeat 5,000 plain invaders.
Set Them Up The Bomb:
Send out 500 demolition experts.
Sharp Shooter:
Intercept a Catapult projectile.
Should Nave Used a Nail File:
Defeat 500 rammer invaders.
Stick Torture:
Hold an invader in the air for 20 seconds.
Take That Stick and Shove It:
Defeat 2,500 rammer invaders.
The Big Bang:
Send out 10 Demo Experts within 5 seconds.
The Bigger They Are:
Defeat 250 colossus invaders.
They Just Keep Coming:
Defeat 1,000 plain invaders.
Thoroughly Addicted:
Play for 30 minutes total.
Tick Tick Boom:
Send out 125 demolition experts.
Time to Relax:
Finish a round without killing an invader by throwing.
Was That a Bottle Cap?:
Defeat 25 colossus invaders.