- Xbox 360
Defeating Berial: Use Grim Grip to reel yourself close to his head and attack with your sword. Once the combos are done use Grim Grip while still in the air. When his flames are gone, jump up to his head. Grab his head with the Devil Bringer then once he lands from that use Devil Bringer again to throw and punch him. After that, run away a short distance because he will release an explosion in the area around him. Make sure to pick up Green Orbs from the destroyed buildings and roll to avoid his flame geysers and sword attack. Continue attacking in this manner and use your Charge Shot to defeat him in under a minute. Unlockables: Heaven Or Hell mode Dante Must Die mode Hell And Hell mode Super Dante costume Super Nero costume Bloody Palace Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding artwork. Demon Invasion: Complete Dante Must Die mode. Alternate ending sequence: Achievements: A Comfortable Pace 10 points: Clear mission 11 in Human mode. Additionally there are 33 secret achievements, all of which are currently unknown. Rock and a Hard Place 10 points: Unknown. |