- Playstation
Energy attacks: Press R to use energy attacks. Energy Blast: Refill energy: Refill health: Single Player mode: Special energy attack: Goku and Pan: Kamehameha Spirit Block: Walk on wall: Characters: Play as Piccolo: Play as Super Saiyan Kid Goku: Play as Super Saiyan 4 Goku: Play as Super Saiyan Vegeta: Play as Super Baby Vegeta: Charge energy: Easy Zenie: At Planet Monmaasu using Uub in Single Player mode on the easy difficulty setting, keep punching enemies. You should get about 400 to 600 points each time you complete the level. In Story mode, go to the planet Rudeeze. Fight your way to the Boss. When you reach him, keep firing your special beam attack. You will destroy his tail. Keep firing at him and eventually you will not do any damage. allowing you to do it as many times as desired. Every time you hit him with it, you should get close to 30,000 points. This makes it an easy but long process to get Zenie. |