- PC
Cheat mode: Press during game play to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Effect = Code
1. For example, enter modpcs blade, 10 to increase your blade skill by 10 points; it will not set it to 10. Raising your skills in this manner will cause you to level up, but will not give you any attribute bonuses when you pick which attributes you want to increase on the level up screen. When using the hex codes for adding items to the character, you don't need to add in the 0s in the beginning of the code. BEFORE: player.additem 000000F 10 General Cheats Oblivion Cheats: place number where you want amount at Item Cheats player.additem 1 Same goes for all the other items, including the lockpicks, etc., etc., etc. FormID: 000229A2 SteelCuirass ARMO Steel Cuirass FormID: 000229A6 LowerShirt01 CLOT Blacksmith's Apron
FormID: 000ADD4E ImperialDragonBootsHeavy ARMO Imperial Dragon Boots FormID: 000CA152 UniqueWeapHatred WEAP Battleaxe of Hatred FormID: 0001FED0 EmperorGauntlets ARMO Emperor's Gauntlets FormID: 0000552C EnchClothingRobeShieldGrand CLOT Aegis Robe FormID: 00048981 EnchClothingPantsAcrobatics CLOT Acrobatics Pants FormID: 000CA10F UniqueDwarvenCuirassJuggernaut ARMO Dondoran's Juggernaut FormID: 0018AE4B ImperialPalaceBoots ARMO Imperial Watch Boots FormID: 0002C212 EnchDaedricHelmetDetectLife ARMO Inquisitor's Helmet FormID: 0003633F GlassHelmet ARMO Glass Helmet FormID: 000977BC ArenaChainmailHelmet ARMO Chainmail Helmet FormID: 00098417 EnchRingResistDiseaseJadeTopaz CLOT Ring of Fortitude FormID: 00038510 BlackwoodCuirass ARMO Blackwood Cuirass FormID: 000387A6 EnchElvenWarhammerAbsFatigue WEAP Warhammer of Siphoning FormID: 000389E6 EnchDwarvenDaggerDamIntelligence WEAP Dagger of Enfeeblement FormID: 0003A856 WeapSteelBattleAxeFine WEAP Fine Steel Battle Axe FormID: 0003B3FF EnchElvenBattleAxeAbsFatigue WEAP Battle Axe of Siphoning FormID: 0001C6CD WeapIronClaymore WEAP Iron Claymore FormID: 0003CCFE EnchEbonyClaymoreTempest WEAP Tempest FormID: 0003D7B7 EnchDwarvenDaggerDisWeapon WEAP Dagger of Fragments FormID: 0003DAE7 EnchIronBattleAxeEmber WEAP Battle Axe of Embers FormID: 0003DB73 EnchIronClaymoreShiver WEAP Claymore of Frost FormID: 0003E9AE Dremora2KynvalGreaves ARMO Dremora Kynval Greaves Skill Cheats -modpcs - skills Type skill name where 'skill' is, the level you want where 'number' is - same with atrib. modpcs skill number Prinscreen command bAllowScreenShot=0 Change the "0" to a "1" and now you can take screenshots via the shiftPrtScn button, |