Etherlords - Various Cheats

Etherlords - Various Cheats

Various Cheats

During gameplay press and type 'EtherRevelation' and press Enter. Now type any of the following "Codes":

Code Effect
openfog Remove Fog of War 1
hidefog Enable Fog of War 1
lose Lose Mission 1
win Win Mission 1
save Quick Save 1
load Quick Load 1
player Info About Players 1
give all Gives 15 of All Resources Except Ether 1
view resources Info About Resources 1
lose Lose Battle 2
win Win Battle 2
viewhand Shows Enemy Hand 2
hidehand Hides Enemy Hand 2
swap Swaps You and Enemy 2
view army Info About Your Army 2
view hand Info About Your Hand
view spells List All Spells and Creatures 4 Char Codes 2
add spell xxxx Add Spell xxxx 2
add creature xxxx Add Creature xxxx 2
change health Change Health to 2
change mana Change Mana to 2
change links Changle Links to 2
change enemy healthmanalinks Change Enemy's Health Mana or Links to 2
view heroes ??? 1
opentomb ??? 1
test ??? 1
set ??? 1
net start ??? 1
net connect ??? 1
net host ??? 1
spec ??? 2
disenchant ??? 2
view creature ??? 2

1 Adventure Mode
2 Combat Mode

Submitted by CyberMan