Fight Night Round 3 - Bonus venues

Fight Night Round 3 - Bonus venues
Bonus venues
Win a match at one of the corresponding venues in Career mode to unlock it:

- The Staples Center
- Madison Square Garden

Box as Ko Rey Mo:
Defeat Ko Rey Mo in the light heavy division in Career mode.

Boxing styles
Win matches in ESPN Classic Fights mode or Career mode to unlock various new styles, at random:

Hard Straights
Hook Master
Judge Jab
Lethal Uppercuts
Philly Shell
Sinister Cross

Burger King trainer:
Win the Burger King event in Career mode. Then at the trainer selection screen, press Down until the Burger King appears as a choice. He gives you Heart when you fight.

Easy wins in Career mode:
Go to the options menu and set Illegal Blows to Off. Then, go to the fight store and buy the illegal head punch called Elbow Shot. During a fight, use the Elbow Shot to counter attack each time your opponent throws a punch. Note: Make sure you use the Elbow Shot as a counter attack so that you can connect cleanly and powerfully on you opponent's head. You will see that the Elbow Shot inflicts a lot of damage to your opponent, and will KO him in a short period of time, or TKO because you inflicted so much damage to his eyes.