Flintstones: The Treasure of the Sierra Madrock - Level Two with 30 Lives

Flintstones: The Treasure of the Sierra Madrock - Level Two with 30 Lives

Level Two with 30 Lives


Left arrow Left arrow Barrel down Gold nugget Cake
Right arrow 3 Egg Gold nugget Soda 3 Egg
Left arrow Left arrow Left arrow 1 Egg Cake

Level Three with 50 Lives


Cake 2 Egg Left arrow Barrel down Bowling ball
Hamburger Soda Gray Heart Right arrow Barrel up
Left arrow Gray Heart Cake Bowling ball Bowling ball

Level Four with 64 Lives


Star Barrel down Barrel down Left arrow Soda
3 Egg 3 Egg Cake Cake Sun
Hamburger 3 Egg Right arrow Star Gold nugget

Level Five with 80 Lives


Soda Cake Gray Heart Left arrow Cake
1 Egg 3 Egg Star Barrel down Star
Barrel up Sun Gold nugget Star Barrel up