Freedom: First Resistance - Level Select

Freedom: First Resistance - Level Select

Level Select

First make a backup before making any changes. Open the file 'freedom.cfg' with any text editor. Then add the line:

showmissions true

Then select Load Game.

Various Cheats

First make a backup before making any changes. Open the file 'action.cfg' with any text editor. Then add the line at the top:

bind tilde console

Now during gameplay press and type any of the following "Codes":

Code Effect
toggleai Enemy AI On/Off
toggledoors All Doors Unlocked
toggledamage Toggle Damage for All Characters
badguysarelousyshots.01 Enemies Are Less Accurate
toggledetection Enemies Can't Detect You
gimme item Gives item

Item List

Use with 'gimme item':

allergen grenades
catteni blaster
catteni blaster ammo
catteni pistol
catteni pistol ammo
rifle ammo