Geon: Emotions - Achievements

Geon: Emotions - Achievements
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Comeback Kid 10 points: Come back and win a game from 3 goals behind.
Completist Freak 10 points: Get 100 in time attack mode.
Use Your Emotion 10 points: Win at least once with each emotion.
Hazardous Creation 10 points: Create a hazard by using a mega-ball.
You're a Winner 15 points: Win 5 ranked matches in a row.
Geon King 15 points: Score 5,000,000 points to be a geon king
I've Got The Power 15 points: Use all powerballs on your side of the map in a single match.
Getting Out More 15 points: Play on Xbox LIVE at least once.
Don't Need No Powerballs 25 points: Win without using a powerball, but you can still pick them up.
Gimme Gimme World domination 25 points: Win 50 Xbox LIVE games.
Mini-Game Master 25 points: Complete all 8 mini-games.
Variety is The Spice of Life 25 points: Win at least once in all game modes, including Xbox LIVE.