- Nuon
Unlock Cheat menu
Go to the main menu and HOLD L B R use that order then release B, R, L In that order. The cheat menu should come up
Various Cheats
Go to the main menu and HOLD L B R use that order then release B, R, L In that order. The cheat menu should come up Enter the following codes to unlock the corresponding monster:
760611 = 11 continues in Adventure Mode
176542 = Shows the credits
661334 = Change the color to Technicolor
443253 = Remove Life and Energy display
650867 = Player 1's Energy doesn't refill normally
986875 = Player 1 is tiny
097401 = Display version of game and exact time of completion in the Options
567980 = Black & White mode
112122 = Indestructible buildings? Super Powerful P1?
459113 = P2 invisible
971934 = P2 small
696924 = Unlocks all the monsters except Orga
225133 = Unlock Godzilla 2K
104332 = Unlock Rodan
537084 = Unlock Destroroyah
557456 = Unlock Mecha King Ghidorah
616233 = Unlock Gigan
131008 = Unlock Mecha Godzilla
877467 = Unlock King Ghidorah
480148 = Unlock All cities
677251 = Player 1 Unlimited Energy
435976 = P2 Unlimited Energy
603696 = P3 Unlimited Energy
291680 = P4 Unlimited Energy
256806 = Military On/Off
413403 = No energy power-ups
562142 = No health power-ups
134615 = No Mothra power-ups
841720 = No freeze tanks
119702 = No rage power-ups
843901 = P1 Damage-proof
706149 = P2 Damage-proof
188522 = P3 Damage-proof
286552 = P4 Damage-proof
505634 = All players Damage-proof
650867 = P1 Power energy
492877 = Slow Health regeneration
649640 = P1 Rage Mode
122224 = P2 Rage Mode
548053 = P3 Rage Mode
451242 = P4 Rage Mode
511012 = P1 Qaud damage
815480 = P2 Qaud damage
212454 = P3 Qaud damage
286552 = P4 Qaud damage
817683 = All players Qaud damage
459113 = P2 Invisible
316022 = All monsters Invisible
986875 = Tiny P1
971934 = Tiny P2
895636 = Tiny P3
795735 = Tiny P4
174204 = Tiny players
756287 = Throwable buildings & objects
135984 = Player Indicators On
112122 = Indestructible buildings
760611 = 11 continues Adventure Mode
661334 = Technicolor Mode
567980 = Black and White Mode
443253 = No Life & Energy bars
097401 = Show Game version in Options
176542 = Shows Credits
Unlock Pictures In Picture Gallery
To unlock pictures in the Gallery, you must play through Adventure Mode on the Medium or Hard difficulty setting. Some buildings that you destroy will reveal Silver Atari symbols. Pick these up to unlock a picture. THIS CANNOT BE DONE ON THE EASY DIFFICULTY SETTING.
How to get each monster
Godzilla Millennium-Unlock: Beat Adventure mode with Godzilla 90's or use cheat code 637522
Gigan-Unlock: Beat Adventure mode with Angilas
King Ghidorah-Unlock: Beat Adventure mode with Megalon
Destroyah-Unlock: Beat Adventure mode with Godzilla Millennium
Rodan-Unlock: Beat Adventure mode with Gigan
Mecha-King Ghidorah-Unlock: Beat Adventure mode with King Ghidorah
Mechagodzilla-Unlock: Beat Adventure mode with Rodan
Orga-Unlock: Beat adventure mode using all characters then beat the adventure mode one more time using Godzilla 2000.
Unlock Mothership Arena
To unlock the mothership arena, beat adventure mode with mecha Godzilla on any difficulty setting.
Unlock: The Ring
Pull up the cheat menu and put in 440499 to unlock the ring.