Grand Theft Auto 3 - Cheats

Grand Theft Auto 3 - Cheats


These cheats are self explaining.

Insert the cheats during normal gameplay.

GUNSGUNSGUNS - Get All weapons
GESUNDHEIT - Max health
MOREPOLICEPLEASE - Max wanted level
NOPOLICEPLEASE - Less wanted level
BANGBANGBANG - Destroy cars
NOBODYLIKESME - People Hate you
WEAPONSFORALL - People fight everyone
TIMEFLIESWHENYOU - Time moves faster
BOOOOORING - Gameplay moves faster
TURTOISE unpatched or TORTOISE patched - Max armor
SKINCANCERFORME - Weather clears
ILIKESCOTLAND - Weather is cloudy
ILOVESCOTLAND - Weather is rainy
PEASOUP - Weather is foggy
MADWEATHER - Time sped up
ANICESETOFWHEELS - transparent car mode
CORNERSLIKEMAD - Instant turns


To get an explosion proof, flame proof, bullet proof cheetah, you need to have done enough missions on the first island to access the phone mission "turismo".After going to the phones in the Diablo park DON'T drive to the starting point. First go to the docks and get the line runner that's nearly always there. Alternatively you could use a Fire engine, coach, bus, barracks OL, or any large vehicle. The Line runner is best because of it's weird shape. Next go to the starting point. Don't worry about racing, just go straight home via the shortest route. When you are at your home on the first island put the large vehicle across the length of the road just to the left of your house so it blocks the route going past and makes a funnel into the alley. Get out of your vehicle and wait. At about 115 seconds through the race the three cheetah's will come past, tearing around the corner to the right. hopefully at least one of them will either hit the large vehicle and flip on it's back or hit it and detour into the back alley in front of your house. If they all manage to make it past try it a second time. It took me two attempts. If one of the cars flipped onto it's back than watch it until the race is up then get into any sort of car and push it into the alley then into your garage. DON'T LOSE SIGHT OF THE CHEETAH. If you do this correctly than you will have a brand new bullet proof cheetah. If it veered off into the back alley. make sure it doesn't escape by running it into a wall or holding it in place with another car. Now this is the tricky bit, once the time is up make sure the cheetah is well and truly pinned and quickly run outside, grab the first car you see then drive it with a bit of a run up into the cheetah. If it is up against a wall all the better. After a few attempts you should have the cheetah on it's back and the driver will bail. with the car that you are in push the upturned cheetah into your garage. If you do this right You will have a brand new bullet proof cheetah. This may take a while but afterwards you can just cruise through any gang territory at huge speeds being shot at by shotguns and uzis without receiving a scratch.
Submitted by Callum A