Guardian Legend - Action Sequences Only

Guardian Legend - Action Sequences Only

Action Sequences Only

Password: TGL then all spaces

Sound Test

Hold A B and reset the system.

Super Password

kl6 ojq7 rD?3 uPb
x1?3 4jHm etyv jbR

Level Passwords

3 flLQ AVgP 3J6N 5UvO
pNGL wADU xtEN 2hjJ

67 AyxW eeh? ANG8 eCGi
xMf? CgYA G4R jm2e

8 AE8s gBot 1f8R Kd2I
Nm9T 8ETe aR4 KoZI

9 073z lN4 dLaZ g1gK
jfb0 Xpur Y5e7 bD?B