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Ron gets stuck: When you first fight the Hinkypunks in the Neville and the Ghoul level, you will see a mirror and a crystal ball. To get through the door, you must cast Lumos Duo on the ball. That will cause the ball to be charged with light, and send it at the mirror. Ron will walk away from the ball and towards the mirror on his own. However, if you squeeze behind the crystal ball before casting Lumos Duo, then Ron will walk into the crystal ball and become stuck there, between it and a few boxes. Permanent shield: The Marauder's Map level: Collector Card set bonuses: Beasts: 20 House Points. Defeating the fire armor: Start with Flipendo until he opens his mouth, then use Glacius until he sort of explodes this does not mean that he is defeated. One of his arms will come off. Use Glacius to put out the fire, then use Flipendo to destroy it. Repeat until he is defeated. When in the Glacius Challenge, you will defeat a big fire armor opponent. Walk back through the first big room on your way out of the challenge. Suddenly, a monstrous fire beast magically emerges from the big objects in the room. When the fire thing opens its furnace door, use Hermoine to freeze the inside. It will attack, then launch its arm at you. destroy it, and it will get hurt. Repeat this and you should defeat it. Defeating Fire Salamanders: Defeating the metal armor: Defeating Dementors: To defeat the Dementors in the first stage where you drag Sirius Black, do not wait until the Dementors are sucking the soul out of Sirius. Hit any of them that edge closer with Expecto Patronum. After a few hits, the first stage will be over. The second stage of the Dementors is much more difficult. There are many more. Shoot Expecto Patronum at the Dementors do not power up as Sirius will get weaker, and press X to charge at them. Break through the crowd in the back. Once you have a path cleared, go for the Dementor attacking Sirius. Power up until it automatically shoots. Remember to press X to charge and go faster. If you take too long the Patronus will die down. To defeat the Dementors on the lake, instead of running through, charge up the Patrounus fully. Then, run around the right side and hit the one attacking Sirius. To defeat the Dementor cluster, instead of going straight, go around the right side without hitting a Dementor. Then, hit the one that is attacking Sirius. Defeating the Ghoul: Defeating Hinkypunks: Use the following trick to defeat Hinkypunks in Muggle Studies. As Ron in the Muggle Studies classroom level, when you enter the room with the Lumos spellbook, three Hinkypunks should appear. Once you defeat the Hinkypunks, another group should appear. You must defeat all the Hinkypunks before you will be able to charge up the crystal ball, maneuver the mirror to shine the beam on the eyeball, and open the door. Defeating Professor Lupin: Defeating salamanders: Restore health: After obtaining the first of the Wiggenweld Potions, use a potion on any character in need, then take that character to a pot, bush, etc. that "shakes". Fire Flipendo at it until it gives up a prize. You may have to do this to a few different objects. However, if you have as many beans as you can carry, it is easier to get a Wiggenweld Potion. Do not buy any potions; just keep hitting objects until each person has their fill of each potion. In the Neville and the Ghoul level, when you enter the room with the Hinkypunks, you will see a mirror reflector. Move Ron towards the back of it where the mirror part is on the other side. Have Ron grab on to the mirror reflector. Move Ron to your right once. You should have unlimited health meaning you will not get hurt for two minutes. Character special abilities: The best player to use is Hermione. When you learn spells with her, it is much easier than with Harry. It is easier to cast spells as well. Harry is not as good at spells, but is much faster when walking and has more stamina. Ron is not really good for anything. Getting Chizpurfels for Snape's Class: Getting Doxey eggs for Potions class: Getting the Draconifors spell: Getting Fairy Wings: Getting Fireseeds for Potions class: Have Hermione as leader. Get onto Buckbeak and fly towards the orange light coming from the greenhouses. Fly to there and you will find the Fireseeds. Getting potion ingredients: When you have to collect potions ingredients for Snape, and the doors are locked in the great staircase, go to the first floor and try to open the door four or five times. You should drop down underneath the staircase. You can do this as Hermione, Harry, and Ron. Getting the non-jinxed Qudditch crate for Harry: Getting out of the circular room: Secret door: Easy beans: When using Harry, Hermione, or Ron, fire your attacking spell at a bush. A bean will appear. Continue to do this as many times as desired. When playing as Ron, go up to a bookcase and search it. You will either find a bean, stink pellet, or Wiggenweld Potion. This only works while playing as Ron. The Charms classroom has probably the most beans in it. If you walk to the back of the classroom, there is an obvious chest. However, if you go into the back left-hand corner, you will notice a bookshelf. Beside the bookshelf is a broken box that can be repaired with Reparo and can be climbed upon to reach the shelf and the chest, which has many beans in it. However, there is yet one more set of beans. Go to the right side of the classroom and climb up into the desk areas. There is a bookshelf. To the left of the shelf is an object that can be pulled down using Carpus Retractum. This opens the bookshelf beside you. Inside is another chest with many beans and two flying books. In the Muggle Studies room after you have defeated the killer ducks, cast a Repairo spell on the gramophone. It will start playing and the trunk opposite it, which was locked, will now be open. Open it to get lots of beans. Use the following trick for easy beans, potions, and cards. Use Hermione and buy the Snufflifors Spell book at Fred and George's shop on the sixth floor for 50 beans. Keep switching between the sixth floor corridor outside Fred and George's shop and the next room not the Grand Staircase. When you run around each room a bit, three books will fly out of the bookshelf and attack your trio. Use Snufflifors on the books to turn them into mice, which will crawl into a hole. Out of the hole will come beans, potions and rare cards. Repeat this as many times as desired. Prefect missions: Easy House Points: 1. Ground floor: The shield is located behind Huffelpuff and Griffindor's House Point counters. 2. Outside: It is to the side of the huge rocks. 3. Second floor: In the corridor in the group of chairs. 4. Third floor: Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom. It is up on the stairs. Note: The message board tells you where everything can be found. There are about five other items after the vial case to be found Dragon Gloves, an Owl Parcel, a Key Telescope, Brass Scale, and Potion Bottle. Hidden Collector Cards: Go to Fred and George's bathroom on the Sixth Floor. Use Hermione and go to the second cubicle on the left as you enter. The toilet will be leaking, and a puddle will have formed on the floor. Use Glacius on it to for an ice block, and a rare card will appear. Go to Fred and George's bathroom on the Sixth Floor. As Hermione, walk to the first cubicle on the right hand side. You will see that the toilet is smashed and laying in pieces. Use Reparo to will fix it, and a card will appear. Go through the secret wall at the back of Fred and George's bathroom where you got the marauder's map. Look to the left. Have Ron and Harry lift up the grill and Hermione crawl under and flip the switch. A bridge will extend across from you to the platform which housed the map, and which now has a caged card in the middle. Go across as Hermione and use Glacius on the fire balls. Look at the floor to see that there are three buttons. Choose one character for each of these and, as Harry, use Carpe Retractum on the card in the middle. When in the marauders map area, you may notice that you cannot get to the gold tower in the middle of the room the tower with the marauders map at the top, unless you use Hedwig to fly to the top of the tower. When Harry has Carpe Retractum, go to the gold tower room. Use Harry and Ron to lift the iron gate, and have Hermoine to crawl under it and press the switch. When you press the switch, you can go to the gold tower. You will see a Collector Card on a thing in the middle of the tower. Use Carpe Retractum to get the card. Ron can open a secret entry to a treasure chest on the fourth floor corridor by using the Illuminous spell on a crystal. The crystal shines on a wall plaque and opens the secret wall with the treasure chest and a card. When you go into the boys dormitory in Gryffindor tower, enter as Ron. Go to the box at the end of his bed. It has "RW" on it. Have Ron open it and you will find a Famous Witches And Wizards Card. Then, leave the boys dormitory and use Hermione to enter the girls dormitory, Go to Hermione's box at the end of her bed. Have her open it and you will find another Famous Witches And Wizards Card. Searching bookshelves: For almost every bookcase, and all parts of the wall that look strange, use Ron. More often then not, you can find beans and secret passages. Treasure chests: Go into the boys dorm as Harry. Open the chest with H.P on it. Then, change into Ron, and open the chest with R.W on it. Next, go into the girls dorm as Hermione. Open the chest with H.G on it. Also, anything that wriggles can be shot with a Flipendo for beans. In the Boys' Dormitory, have Harry as the active character. Look at the trunks. Find the trunk that has an "H.P." on it. Only Harry can open it. Inside has a Wizard Card. Switch to Ron as the active character. Find the trunk with "R.W." on it. Inside is yet another Wizard Card. The same goes for Hermione in the Girls' Dormitory, except her trunk is marked "H.G.", and inside is a piece from the Folio Bruti. Spying around Hogwarts: Easy Lumos: Charms Classroom Challenge: Stink Pellet Challenge: Stink Pellet Holder locations: Ground Floor/Dungeons Staircase Floor 1 - Transfiguration Floor 2 - Charms Floor 3 - Defense Against the Dark Arts Floor 4 - History of Magic Floor 5 - Muggle Studies Floor 6 - Ancient Runes Floor 7- Gryffindor Tower In the Transfiguration classroom are some book cases you can climb onto. They are on your left when you first walk in, and are like stairs. Change into Ron to climb. There will be a narrow ledge, and there will be a Stink Pellet Cup for the Stink Pellet Challenge. Walk along the edge to the other side, and there will be another one. Statue Challenge: You can get a book from Fred and George by finding nine statues. Have Hermione go on a statue hunt for nine statues. When she finds the first three, Fred and George allow her to improve the power of everyone's spells. For the second three six statues you will improve on defense. The last three nine statues will improve the speed of your spells. Statue locations: 1. Bridget Wenlock: Seventh Floor, Gryffindor Tower. Small statue. Back of the room, to the right of the Fat Lady's Corridor door. 2. Gondoline Oliphant: Fourth Floor, History of Magic. Small statue. Turn right upon entrance and use Draconifors on the statue. Enter the room. The statue is in here. 3. Hengist of Woodcroft: Fourth Floor, History of Magic. Small statue. Enter the Fourth Floor Corridor and turn left. The statue is by the Hospital Wing. 4. Glanmore Peakes. Fifth Floor, Ancient Runes. Small statue. Back of the room; left of the Glanmore Peakes Corridor door. 5. Beaumont Marjoribanks: Fourth Floor, History of Magic. Small statue. In the back of the History of Magic classroom. 6. Gunhilda of Gorsemoor: Third Floor, Defense Against the Dark Arts. Large statue. Towards the back of the Gunhilda of Gorsemoor corridor. 7. Gregory the Smarmy: First Floor, Transfiguration. Large statue. In the middle of the hallway. 8. Jocunda Sykes: Ground Floor, Entrance Hall. Small statue. Left of the main staircase. 9. Hooky the House Elf: Dungeons. Small statue. Enter the Dungeon Corridor same floor as the classroom and go to the back on the room and turn left. Enter the door. In this room, go to the very back and turn right. The statue will be there. Portrait: Finding secret areas: Secret area in the Gryffindor common room: Secret area in Muggle Studies: Shelf Push Box 2 towards the platform nearby. Climb up onto the platform and use Reparo on the broken box. Then, push the wooden box onto box number two so that the wooden crate is on the second box. Then, push the two boxes up against the bookshelf. Then, go back to box number one. Push it against the two boxes so that it forms a staircase like this: Shelf ====== Climb up the "staircase" and use Draconifors on the dragon statue on top of the shelf. Enter the door and continue from there. When in Muggle Studies in the room with the dungbombs in glass, have Harry and Ron pick the gate up then have Hermione crawl under. When you see the chest, open it and collect the items. Keep progressing, then open the door and kill the ducks. Next, move a box to the place where the blue car is located. Crawl onto it, then use Reparo on the box on top, and get it even with the box below. Then, push it off the side where it is even. Then, get it and put it by the bookshelf with the large dragon poster on top of it. Get the small one and do the same thing. Have Hermione use Draconifors, then go through the door. You will end up in a place at the top of Muggle Studies if you keep progressing. At the end you will find a chest. When Hermione is in Muggle Studies, it is easier to just drop the repaired box onto the one used to get up on it. Then, move both sets to the opposite shelf and go up to the two boxes. Hermione can climb the set. You do not need the other box. Secret area in Second Floor: Shortcut to the fourth floor in Gryffindor Tower: Unlock chest in Muggle Studies: Neville And The Ghoul level: Hippogriff on the Final Day: Hippogriff limitations: Buckbeak color change: Calling other characters: Getting past Trolls: Another way to get past the Trolls in the north wing of the seventh floor is to use Hermione. Use the Glacius spell on the Troll to distract it then run away. It is not as easy as using dung bombs, but it will do the trick. If you are not careful you can still get caught using this method. Use the following trick for the Trolls in the north wing. Get Ron to the area separating him from the first troll by a bookcase. Then, switch to Harry or Hermione and go to the edge of the long line of bookcases where you can see the Troll. Manually aim at the troll and cast a Flipendo spell at it. Then, hide where the long line of book cases meets the wall where the Troll cannot see you. The Troll will totter to where you cast the Flipendo spell. Meanwhile Ron will sneak away from the first Troll. With this procedure, you will use up three dung bombs instead of four. Get told off by a Prefect: Owl racing: Dungbombs: Seeing ahead: Different dueling teams: Harry's Dad's voice: Hermione in Boys' Dormitory: Gryriffindor ties and clothing differences: Neville's old books: Snape comes after Harry: Escaping from Snape: |