- PC
Here is how You hack the camera: Open up the HMM5profilesautoexec.cfg in a text editor such as notepad. Look up these lines: //For transparanet interface missioncameralimits 50 10 70 -55 -30 0 0 missioncamerasoftlimits 50 11 69 -53 -32 0 0 and replace them with these new lines: //For transparent interface NOTE It will not work if You load a saved game because these settings seems to be saved in to the saved games, so start a new map and it will work. Battle hack: Enabling console and basic cheats: Or you can enable console for only select profile by appending same line at end of user.cfg in Then you can use some cheats ingame. Press tilde key"" to bring down console. If it doesn't work for you because you don't have the key on your keyboard, can't find it because of foreign layout, whatever, you can always edit input.cfg in your user profile dir Basic thing console does is tell you what ai has been doing last turn. Now, to cheats themselves. Most complex 1 is addskill addskill takes skill-id or name as parameter, you can find list of all 150 skills/perks/abilities names and their ids in datadata.pakscriptsadvmap-startup.lua addarmy town nTownID, bUpgrade Will fill all hero army slots with 10 creatures of town id specified. Second param is 0 or 1 which controls whether creatures are from upgraded dwellings or not. Town ids: E.g. addallspells Some more advanced cheating using LUA scripts: @TeachHeroSpell"Isabell",SPELLPHANTOM; @AddHeroCreatures "Agrael", CREATUREHELLHOUND, 1000 ; Bypass campaign-set town building limits? SetTownBuildingLimitLevel'Town3', 13, 1; Of course this is just examples most of which need to be passed different arguments. E.g. you need to know internal script hero names, town ids. Consult data/scripts first for some function syntaxis and many constants. Then start looking at actual mapscripts examples. Use search to look in data folder in files of type .lua Script commands are CASE SENSITIVE, you must use @Win; and not win; or wIn;. -from Csimbi |