Hired Guns: Jagged Edge - Cheat Codes

Hired Guns: Jagged Edge - Cheat Codes
Cheat Codes:
To enable cheats, edit basiscampaignsJAZZglobalvars.lua using Notepad and change cheats from 0 to 1; you can set starting money by modifying StartMoneyEasy/Normal/Hard.

Modify the quick start shortcut with the "-cheater" command-line parameter.

Load the game, in the console you can type 'cheater' to enable cheat codes. You can also use the following cheat codes.

Code - Result:
heal [player] nn - Heal Named Player Hired Merc Callsigns
kill [player] - Kill Named Player
gainxp [player] nn - Add XP to Named Player
setPersonHealth [player] nn - See Health of Named Player