- PC
Defeating Emporor Sun Li: Use the opposite of his style. For example, if he uses his blade use martial styles. If he uses martial styles use your weapon or just kill him using the Jade Golem Spirit. Recommended character build: |
Select the balanced or strong character. It is too easy to kill magician in the close battle, but rapid does not bring sufficiently loss. Best starting style for the balance - swift tiger, and for silovika - white demon. Each level we rock life to two of three possible marks. One remained we throw either into the spirit or into the reason what less.
Do not rock sword which to you they will give in the school. Better in the imperial city in the arena win two swords "bloody tears" and swing them on the maximum. In the starting style increase force of impact and speed (tsi not must). It is further to its taste. Game is not very complex, and its not problem to pass even not complexities great master.