Lufia: The Legend Returns - 100th floor of Ancient Cave

Lufia: The Legend Returns - 100th floor of Ancient Cave

100th floor of Ancient Cave

On the 100th floor talk to the Master and tell him you want nothing and when you leave the cave and get in your next battle after you win all characters will grow 2 or more levels no matter what


Talk to the old man in Patos 100 times and he will give you an item that powers all of your characters up to level 100
Submitted by Eric

Max stats

Find dragon eggs 3 times fight dragon fight him and he will join you. All his stats are 999 at level one.
Submitted by Mack Baise


At the back of every shop is a hidden door.face the back of the shop and press A.allowing you to get the items in the back.P.S. In majari inter the back and the guy will let you stay for free
Submitted by John Manis