The Mark

The Mark

Cheat Codes:
Press the '~' (tilde) key to bring up the console, then type the following console commands (without the quotes) to enable the corresponding effect.

Disable Flying:
Enter 'mucha 0'

Disable God Mode:
Enter 'god 0'

Disable Invisibility:
Enter 'invisible'

Disable Wireframe View:
Enter 'wireframe 0'

Enter 'mucha 1'

God Mode:
Enter 'god 1'

Hide fps:
Enter 'drawfps 0'

Hide HUD:
Enter 'drawhud 0'

Enter 'invisible 1'

Normal Game Speed:
Enter 'globaltimespeed 1'

Set Game Speed:
Enter 'globaltimespeed (number)'

Health (Number):
Set health to (number)'

Show fps:
Enter 'drawfps 1'

Show HUD:
Enter 'drawhud 1'

Slow Motion (Half Game Speed)
Enter 'globaltimespeed 0.5'

Wireframe View:
Enter 'wireframe 1'