- Playstation
Walkthru v1.4
by XDragon kern777earthlink.net
Kill Yourself
Press R1 R2 L2 R1 R1 R1 R2 L2 L1 L1 Square. If done correctly your character will blow up and say "What did you do that for?".
Various Cheats
Password | Effect |
TRACERON | Wire Frame Graphics |
BADCOPSHOW | Unlimited Ammo |
ICOSIDODEC | Fast Firing |
GOBLUE | Bouncing Fire |
SPRECHEN | American Movies |
DENNISMODE | Special PowerUps |
WOOFWOOF | Bismark the Dog Multiplayer |
ROCKETMAN | Werner Von Braun Multiplayer |
PAYBACK | William Shakespear Multiplayer |
FINESTHOUR | Winston Churchill Multiplayer |
HOODUP | Wolfgang Multiplayer |
SSPIELBERG | Velociraptor Multiplayer |
INVASION | Making of Level 1 Feature |
BIGGRETA | Making of Level 2 Feature |
DASBOOT | Making of Level 3 Feature |
STUKA | Making of Level 4 Feature |
KOMET | Making of Level 5 Feature |
TWOSIXTWO | Making of Level 6 Feature |
MISSLEAGUE | Making of Level 7 Feature |
VICTORYDAY | Making of Level 8 Feature |
CAPTAINDYE | Captain Dye Mode |
MOSTMEDALS | Invincibility |
URLINGAMBE | All Codes |
BEACHBALL | Noah Multiplayer |
HERRZOMBIE | Otto Multiplayer |
SMPSMDMILK | Kurt and Rosi Multiplayer |
BIGFATMAN | Evil Colonel Muller Multiplayer |
COOLCHICK | Lynn Henson Picture |
AJRULES | Adrian Jones Picture |
DWIMOHTEAM | Development Team Pictures |
DWIGALLERY | Staff Pic |
COOLCHICK | Lynn Henson Pic |
HOODDOWN | Felix Multiplayer |
GUNTHER | Gunther Multiplayer |
Submitted by: naser sari afk999yahoo.com
March 31, 2002 - 2:58pm