- Nintendo 3DS
Game Cheats:
Unlock Hidden Boss Monsters
Lagiacrus Rare Species - Reach HR70
Nargacuga Rare Species - Reach HR40
Easy Zenny
1) Make sure you have 2 "Kelbi Horns" in your item pouch.
2) Talk to the "Guild Sweetheart" at Moga Village.
3) Select Low Lv one star "Prescription Pick-up" gathering quest.
4) Deliver the 2 "Kelbi Horns" right away.
5) Quest complete. Take the 2 "Kelbi Horns" from the reward box and sell/collect the rest of the items.
6) You'll received 800z for completing this quest.
7) Repeat this method to obtain easy Zenny.
Hunter Rank Unlocks
These quests are unlocked by increasing your HR after completing the 8* Urgent "Black Flame of Calamity."
Best of Enemies- Purple Ludroth, Volvidon, Steel Uragaan, Great Wroggi - HR 35
Invisible Predator- Lucent Nargacuga - HR 40
Midnight Tryst- Gold Rathian, Silver Rathalos - HR 50
Rage Match- 2 Deviljho - HR 45
Ring of the Golden Lune- Gold Rathian - HR 25
Ring of the Silver Sol- Silver Rathalos - HR 30