- Playstation 2
Get Classic Teams
Beat the College Classic Games
Get Stadiums & Cheat
Finish different levels of your EA Sports BIO to get the item indicated
One way to grow the bio is after you create a EA Sports Bio leave the game running and you will log hours to grow your Bio.
Level 2 - Get Rose Bowl Pennant & unlock Stadium
Level 4 - get Butter Fingers Pennant & Unlock Cheat
Level 8 - Get Orange Bowl Pennant & unlock stadium
Better Team
To make the best team all you have to do is go to rosters after you have chosen your team and press X on the player you want to make better and press X on ratings and you make your player the best at everything and you can do that with every player.
Touchdown Celebrations
When you score a TD and the word touchdown first appears press the following button combinations.NOTE:you can get a 15 yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.
L2square:spike ball,points to crowd and hits chest
L2triangle:bows to crowd
L2circle:spikes ball and shrugs shoulders
L2X:Heisman Trophy pose
R2square:dunk on goal post
R2triangle:puch ball towards crowd
R2circle:kick ball into crowd
R2X:throws ball into crowd
Easy classic games
message: To make the classic bowl games easier go to the pause menu and go to a.i and put the cpu down on everything
Get Tons of Pennant Points
First, put the difficulty on Heisman. Next, put both the AI levels for offense and defense all the way down and the quarters for 6 minutes. Play with a great team all-time teams vs. Norfolk State. You will be able to rack up tons of yards and play flawless defense. Usually earn between 600-900 points
The Hot Route
Before the Snap:
Press the Triangle Button, this should bring up the words HOT ROUTE on a zoomed out screen. If you see a recievers in a coverage which you could exploit by using a different route press the recievers corresponding button one of the following directions to change the route to one of the following.
Up: Fly
Right: R Post
Left: L Post
Always get the ball
This might work only about 9 out of 10 times...first off you have to go to settings and turn penalties off then when your choosing a kickoff play chose "onside kick" then when your moving the arrow around point it towards your team and keep it low but not to low then when you kick it keep the energy on the meter as low as it can go.