NCAA Football '98 - Team Codes

NCAA Football '98 - Team Codes

Team Codes

Start an exhibition game and at the User Records screen enter "Password" from below and you hear "It's in the game". Then go back to the Team Select screen and the teams you entered will be available. You may enter more than one at a time you may also use the same slot for entering the passwords.

Password Team
JEXLAD '73 Alabama
OEDYIJ '78 Alabama
WHVCIR '89 Alabama
ZDDJOT '92 Alabama
CEVHETS '89 Colorado
VEWOJ '96 Florida State
MYLQLOH '93 Florida State
RCIXRE '96 Floridat State
ZOWS '82 Georgia
EIWQOH '83 Miami
WEVKIM '87 Miami
WMIXJ '89 Miami
WYGGKEP '91 Miami
ANOYSAJ '94 Miami
BSEPMAJ '65 Michigan State
KCIZRE '95 Michigan
IGSI '83 Nebraska
EGAXRIM '91 Nebraska
SNXAI '93 Nebraska
BNOYD '94 Nebraska
JNIVED '73 Notre Dame
REGRZOJ '88 Notre Dame
AGIG '79 Ohio State
HTOYOMS '85 Oklahoma
RSGPC '94 Oregon
IEEIH '78 Penn State
CCHN '82 Penn State
HREG '85 Penn State
AERE '86 Penn State
TSTR '91 Washington
AAYI '88 West Virginia

Various Cheats

Enter these at the User Record screen then depending on what code you entered you might need to go back to either the team select or stadium select. Otherwise just continue to the game.

Name Effect
COOLSITE Extra Stadiums
ELECTRIC Magnetic Football
TIBURON Tiburon Team
EASPORT EA Sports Team
GBSPEED Faster Speed

Celebrate TD

When you score a TD hold L1 L2 and press one of the following:

Button Celebration
R1 Spin Ball
Square Hulk Pose
Circle Spin Ball
Triangle Back Flip
X Heisman Pose