- Playstation 3
Command Line Cheats
Create a shortcut to the nfshs.exe executable in the driveletter:...Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 directory. Add the following command lines to the shortcut to turn on various cheats:
ghost - player car is invisible to opponent
opentree - locked events can be played
nofrustration - disable confirmation
nomovie - disable movie demos
nomusic - no music
nosnd - no sound
noreverb - no reverberation
nofrontend - no HUD
nomipmap - disables mipmapping
noparticles - disables particle effects
minfront - enable main menu
helicoptorsonly - cops only use choppers
screenshots - screenshots enabled
McLaren F1 LM
Get 5 million points or win the World Championship to unlock the NFS edition of the McLaren F1 LM.
Dodge Viper GTS
Get 2 million points to unlock the NFS edition of the Dodge Viper GTS.
Cheat Method
To purchase cars at a cheap price 10 each, open up the cars.ini file in your CARS folder from the main NFSHP2 game folder using Notepad. Change the following lines:
NOTE: Always make a backup before overwriting game files.
Ferrari F50
Lead a single race, full grid, advanced, for eight laps to unlock the NFS edition of the Ferrari F50.
Lamborgini Diablo 6.0 VT
Get 2.5 million points to unlock the NFS edition of the Lamborghini Diablo.
McLaren F1
Get 4 million points to unlock the NFS edition of the McLaren F1.
Porsche Carrera GT
Get 3.5 million points to unlock the NFS edition of the Porsche Carrera GT.
Lamborghini Murcielago
Get 3 million points to unlock the NFS edition of the Lamborghini Murcielago.
Mercedes CLK GTR
Get 4.5 million points to unlock the NFS edition of the Mercedes CLK GTR.
Faster cars
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "cars.ini" file in the "cars" sub-folder in the game directory. Change the "mass=" value to "100" for a faster car.
Open the folder of a powerful car, such as the F1, F50, etc. Copy the "car.ini" file from here and paste it over the original "car.ini" file of a slower car in its own folder for example, the Elise. This instantly gives that car the speed and handling characteristics of the better vehicle. Note: Back up the original "car.ini" file of the slower car in the event that you want to revert it back to its standard settings.