- Playstation
Various Cheats
Go to the Easter Egg screen then enter any of the following codes:
Effect | Easter Egg |
Ball Gets Knocked Out Easier | leech |
No Penalties | blind ref |
Players Move Quicker | juice |
Player Move Faster | fire drill |
Receivers Have Better Hands | gloves |
Defense Jump Higher | rejection |
Improve CPU Defense | cpu defense |
Improve CPU Offense | cpu offense |
Players are Larger | humongous |
Teams Equal | equal teams |
No Heads | horsemen |
Pumped up RB | Bettis |
Stronger Stiff Arm | jack hammer |
1D Players | cookie cutter |
Crowd Muffle | quiet crowd |
Defensive Swarm | water ai |
Longer Field Goals | big foot |
Louder Announcer | loud mouth |
Players are Flat | flat land |
No Arms | look ma |
Play as Shadows | mcmahon |
Players Have Half of One Left | ahab |
Pumps Up Both Defense Sides | gd challenge |
Tiny Players | flea circus |
Super Bowl and All Star Teams
In PreSeason at the Team Selection screen press Circle once or twice to get a Super Bowl or All Start team. Not all teams have these.
March 31, 2002 - 2:58pm