PO'ed - Level Select

PO'ed - Level Select

Level Select

At the main menu press and hold: L1 L2 R1 R2 and Up. Next start a new game. At the difficulty menu hold L1 L2 R1 R2 and Down. After you choose the difficulty the level select will appear. Pick the level you want then press Circle X Square Triangle to select it.


During gameplay press Triangle for the Weapon Select screen. Select the frying pan and go back to the Weapon Select. Press R1 Circle X.
Submitted by: Cindy Schenck cls1bellsouth.net

All Weapons

Press Select Square to go to the Map Mode. Press R1 until the arrow is pointing at you and press Start. Press R1 Circle X Square while the camera is rotating and press Triangle to get all weapons.
Submitted by: Cindy Schenck cls1bellsouth.net

Funny Fart Mode

Go to Load Game on Main Menu. Press L1 L2 R1 R2.
Submitted by: Cindy Schenck cls1bellsouth.net