- GameBoy Advance
Shiny Surfing Pikachu: These codes will work for ARv3. Pikachu will appear in the PC in Box 1 Slot 1 so have it cleared out. The Pikachu is a male shiny, plus he has the Pokevirus and is holding a Thunderstone. Not mention that he knows Surf Master code: Anti-DMA: Shiny Surfing Pikachu: Find Kyogre and Groudon: Find Deoxys: Get Ice Sculpture: The pokeblock trick: Mirage Island: 1st master code on and Anti-DMA: must be on the Pokemon you will get will be a shinny Feebas level 20.When you get your Feebas put it in your party and save the game now turn it off and this time Master code must be on Start the game with these 3 codes on then fly to Pasifilog town speak to the old man and as long as you got this Feebas he WILL SEE Mirage Island. Master code: Anti-DMA: This is the code to go to Mirage Island: This is the pokemon code: How to catch Smeargle: How to clone pokemon: Get to Battle Frontier: Clone Pokemons: Mystery Gift option: |