- Xbox 360
You can add command variables to the end of this line by using a space and then a '' sign in front of each command. For example, to allow easy access to the console each time you start Prey, change the target line to the following:
"C:Program FilesHuman Head StudiosPreyPrey.exe" set comallowconsole 1" Hold [Ctrl] [Alt] during game play to display the console window: NOTE: ALL the Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times. Cheat Codes case insensitive: listCmds lists commands centerview centers the view clear clears the console ClosePortal close a portal conDump [filename] dumps the console text to a file damage [entity] [] apply "" damage to an entity devmap [mapfile] loads a map in developer mode exit exits the game back to Winblows getmapname print current map name to console getpos teleport to saved location getviewpos prints the current view position give [item] gives one or more items giveEnergy [type] give energy gun energy for weapon 4, the Leech Gun It is best to switch to this weapon first, before god enables god mode healthPulse healthpulse just makes a heart beat pulse on Health hide [entity] hide all entities of a class or name kill kills the player killMonsters removes all monsters killMoveables removes all moveables killRagdolls removes all ragdolls killThis kill thing that player is pointing at listActiveEntities lists active game entities listClasses lists game classes listEntities lists game entities listEntityDefs lists entity defs listModels lists all models listMonsters lists monsters listSpawnArgs [entity] list the spawn args of an entity listSystemCmds lists system commands listToolCmds lists tool commands listTypeInfo list type info map [mapfile] loads a map noclip disables collision detection for the player notarget disables the player as a target OpenPortal open a portal playTime prints current playtime possessPlayer possess the player printThis print extra map keys of the thing that player is putpos save location quit quits the game back to Winblows recordViewNotes record the current view position with notes remove [entity] remove all entities of a class or name setPlayerGravity [XYZ] set player gravity setviewpos [X Y Z ] sets the current view position show [entity] show all entities of a class or name showViewNotes show any view notes for the current map, successive spawn [class] spawns a game entity spawnabunch [class] [] spawn a specified number of entities spiritPulse spiritpulse just makes a heart beat pulse takeViewNotes take notes about the current map from the current view teleport [entity] teleports the player to an entity location toggleShuttle magically enter or exit a shuttle toggleTalonTargets toggle talon targets on/off triggerThis trigger thing that player is pointing at unpossessPlayer unpossess the player where prints the current view position INSTALLATION 2. Begin a New Game or Load a Saved Game. 3. Open the game Console: A CONSOLE window should open with a cursor. 4. Enter your codes. Note: You may type PART of a command such as the first few letters and then hit 5. Hit " " or " " to leave the console. COMMANDS SUMMARY: aasStats shows AAS stats |