Robot Wars: Arena Of Destruction - Cheat mode

Robot Wars: Arena Of Destruction

Cheat mode

Enter "JPEARCE" as a name to unlock all robots, arenas, trophies, and 9,999,999 credits.

Kilamanjaro level

Win the Robot Wars Championship which also unlocks Chaos 2 to unlock the bonus Kilamanjaro level. Note: The Siberia level must already be unlocked.

Play as Behemoth

Win the Russian Rampage Cup to unlock Behemoth.

Play as Chaos 2

Win the Robot Wars World Championship Tournament Cup to unlock Chaos 2.

Play as Diotoir

Win the Rooftop Punishment Japan to unlock Diotoir.

Play as Firestorm

Win The Hamburg Heavyweight Cup to unlock Firestorm.

Play as Hypnodisc

Win the Flip Frenzy Tournament Cup as Chaos 2 to unlock Hypnodisc.

Play as Mortis

Win the Liberty Lightweight Cup in the North America Arena with a bought lightweight class robot. Mortis can now be bought for 40,000 credits.

Play as Panic Attack

Win the Scrapyard Challenge Sao Paulo to unlock Panic Attack.

Play as Pussycat

Win the Alpha Viking North Sea to unlock Pussycat.

Play as Razor

Win The Nerves Of Steel Cup to unlock Razor.

Play as Terrorhurtz

Win the Heavy Bomber Siberia to unlock Terrorhurtz.

Play as Thor

Win the Robot Wars Championship Cup to unlock Thor.

Extra credits

Purchase cheap armor and weapons from the junkyard and add them to your spares. Save the game and return to the main menu. Then, return to the robot setup screen. Sell the armor and weapons to get full price for them.